Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Barbara Brennan School of Healing is world renown. It is a place that people from all over the world come to explore deeper aspects of themselves. The school curriculum challenges many beliefs to allow one to see others with a clearer lens. Here, you explore why you see the world as you do and what happened to create this belief. From a place of greater awareness, you are able to view a situation from a new perspective. Thus, changing relationships and outcomes in a healthier way.
Healing Touch
Healing Touch is taught around the world. The Boulder/Denver area has a large Healing Touch community. Classes are taught in levels you take at your own pace. Levels 1-3 are 2 -day classes. Level 4 is a 4-day class. From Level 4 to Level 5 there is a lot of documentation and homework to be done. Level 5 is a 4-day class that can lead to Certification.
Healing Touch is endorsed by the American Holistic Nursing Association and a provider of approved continuing education for nurses.
Healing Touch for Cancer Patients
This is a video by UW Health, demonstrating how Healing Touch is easily integrated into the hospital setting. This service was provided (pre CoVid) to patients at Good Samaritan Hospital Integrative Care Department in the Cancer Center building in Lafayette, Co.

Usui Reiki
Mikao Usui is the founder of Reiki. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually:
"spiritually guided life force energy."
Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki master (who has undergone formal training in this healing art) uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy (what's known in Reiki as life force energy) through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing.

About the Human Energy Field
as taught by Barbara Brennan
Physical Layer: Lowest in frequency. The human body.
First Layer: Associated with physical body function and sensation.
Second Layer: Regulates the emotional state.
Third Layer: Processes, ideas, thoughts and mental beliefs.
Fourth Layer: A bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
Fifth Layer: Associated with higher will, power of word, taking responsibility for our actions.
Sixth Layer: Accesses universal energies, celestial love.
Seventh Layer: Associated with higher mind and intuition.
Image Source: The Subtle Body by Cyndi Dale 2014